Dragon Age is coming to Netflix. Dragon Age: Absolution - a six episode Netflix animated series - debuts December 2022. About Dragon Age: Absolution - Set in Tevinter, an empire within the Dragon Age universe - Created in collaboration with BioWare, creators of the Dragon Age video game franchise (winner of over 130+ Game of the Year awards) - Features an ensemble of new charac...
,更多像龙腾世纪:赦免一样好看的动漫,尽在AGE动漫 www.age001.com龙腾世纪:赦免其实就是很普通的那种媚宅动画,很多地方挺俗套的。这种动画往往靠女性角色的人设取胜,再辅以一个无特点的男主让观众得以顺利代入。本做的人设如何尚不知晓(漫画只看了一点点,个人不喜欢就没继续看了),但男主的人设倒是令人出奇的喜欢(看漫画的时候也一样,太喜欢了这个人)。值得观看